Friday, May 31, 2024


 This is the fourth recap episode for ANNIHILATION ADJACENT, covering the events of a game that took place on May 11, 2024. It takes place directly after EPISODE III.

(This was a shorter game and mostly combat, and therefore a shorter recap)

Waking at Wakanga's villa, Stabracadabra left a somewhat surprised host to venture out into the jungle without further ado, planning to tour the city and meet the guides Wakanga's contacts could offer after completing the job they'd accepted the day before.

At the edge of town, they met with Rokah and the two tabaxi, River Mist and Flask of Wine. They waited to the appropriate time and found them as agreed at the edge of town, then crossed the ferry before venturing north on foot. 

Their plan, their job, fresh in their minds, was to create a diversion at Fort Beluarian, some three day's journey through the jungle, that would give Rokah a chance to investigate the quarters of captain Liara Portyr

Their first day of travel was one of careful trepidation. Strange sounds echoed in the jungle around them, keeping them on edge, but nothing threatening crossed their paths.

River Mist and Flask of Wine did their best to point out various animal signs, some indicating that large dinosaurs - some kind of herbivores, from their stool - had been in the area recently. 

They made camp at the edge of the denser jungle, keeping their fire low and burning carefully chosen branches to minimize light and smoke. They chose a watch order (first Trixie with Pawla, then Nelvin with Chompy, then Buddy, and finally their two tabaxi guides) and settled in for the night.

Things may have worked out very differently had another been on watch when the creatures attacked - but Buddy's unique senses proved a boon to Stabracadabra. 

To Buddy, everything seemed fine, and his companions fully asleep. So the strange glowing lights all around him, first at the edge of the forest and then gradually much closer, were invisible to his eyeless face. His echolocation revealed none of the twisted arcane motes that lurking creatures wove from the darkness in the reeds around him. Another might have been enchanted by such things, rendered silent.

Buddy was not only immune to, but didn't even notice the danger - until the three Eblis - hulking and cunning crane-like creatures of evil intelligence - physically attacked. An alarm was called - the heroes woke to battle, and quickly dropped two of them. Now Stabracadabra move to finish the final creature...